Shawnee Animal Hospital

Veterinary Pet Surgery

At Shawnee Animal Hospital, we understand that surgery can be a stressful time for both you and your pet. Our team is here to answer questions every step of the way, from routine to complex procedures.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Shawnee Animal Hospital - Veterinary Pet Surgery

Soft Tissue Surgery is a term that encompasses most of the surgical procedures that do not fall under the remit of Orthopedic Surgery.

Soft tissue surgery addresses conditions the ear, nose and throat, and also includes hepatic, gastrointestinal, cardiothoracic, urogenital, skin reconstructive and oncological surgeries.

As always, your pet's safety remains our top priority which is why we utilize advanced anesthetic and surgical techniques.

Pets undergoing surgery have the option to receive:

  • Pre-anesthetic blood work
  • Anesthesia
  • Experienced monitoring support
  • IV catheter placement
  • Pain medication

Following surgery, your pet will be kept comfortable and monitored while the effects of anesthesia wear off. Wanting to rest for the remainder of the day is normal, but if you’re concerned about your pet’s post-op behavior, please don’t hesitate to call us.

Orthopedic Surgery

Sometimes our pets run into trouble with their orthopedic health. They may have suffered a traumatic injury or developed osteoarthritis as they aged through the years. However, orthopedic surgery can help alleviate and relieve much of the pain and discomfort your pet may be experiencing. If there’s a fracture bone or torn ligament, you can count on us to repair it!

Spay/Neuter Procedure

For companion animals, we recommend spay/neuter surgery mainly because of its proven health benefits. Neutered animals are also easier to care for, because sexually-driven behavioral traits are curbed, especially when the surgery is performed within the first year of life

In addition to these reasons, if you do not plan on breeding your pet, having an unwanted litter can be expensive, stressful, and time-consuming. The cost of the spay/neuter procedure may well save you money in the long run, because it is less than the cost of providing for several baby animals and a pregnant mother!

Neutering pets is also crucial to countering the national pet homelessness crisis, which refers to the hundreds of thousands of unwanted pets who are placed in shelters or euthanized every year.

Benefits of Spaying: Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and uterus of a female animal. Spaying prevents the female from having heat periods. This means, that in many cases you will be spared the unwanted behavioral side effects of a heat period, such as frequent urination and vocalization. Spayed females have a diminished risk of contracting cancers of the reproductive system. Their life expectancies increase because of this, and also because the physical stressor of pregnancy is alleviated.

Benefits of Neutering: Neutering is the removal of the testes of a male animal. Once a male animal is neutered, their desire to roam in search of a mate will be reduced, resulting in less escapes or disappearances. They tend to display less aggressive tendencies, and are often easier to train. Their chances of contracting cancers of the reproductive system, such as testicular or prostate cancer, also are reduced.

Pain Management

At Shawnee Animal Hospital, we believe that every pet deserves the longest, happiest, and most comfortable life possible. Our goal is to eliminate the experience of pain for your pet to the fullest extent that is achievable for their condition.

In veterinary medicine, pain is typically categorized into two groups: chronic and acute.

Acute pain is sharp and typically has a sudden onset. Sudden trauma, surgeries, and dental procedures are examples of sources of acute pain. In some cases, such as the later two examples, an effective way of treating acute pain is to be proactive about pain prevention before a scheduled procedure.

Chronic pain is different because it is pervasive, and typically comes on slowly, caused by degenerative diseases such as cancer or arthritis. For chronic pain, a more long-term methodology might have to be established.

If you are suspicious that your pet may be in pain, look out for these signs:

  • Hiding from attention
  • Conversely; seeking more attention than usual
  • Increased vocalization, such as whining or crying
  • Shaking
  • Avoidance when a certain part of the body is touched
  • Changes in eating patterns
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Aggression
  • Excessively licking a certain body part

Depending on the severity of your pet’s pain, your veterinarian may choose to prescribe pain medicine. In addition to medicinal intervention, some helpful steps to help your pained pet could include:

  • Limiting their mobility so they cannot hurt themselves further
  • Helping their space to be comfy and padded with blankets or pillows
  • Physical therapy

With these tips in mind, it is important to remember that there is no “one size fits all” for pet pain. Your veterinarian can help you decide on the best course of action, taking into account the source and severity of your pet’s individual experience.

Join the Shawnee Animal Hospital Family Today!

Located off of Oklahoma 3W on the corner of N Kickapoo St and W Independence St.

Phone: 405-275-0990

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